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Category: Birds

Features of exhibition German pigeons

German exhibition pigeons are regular participants in pigeon international shows. This type of bird was created not for practical purposes, but for demonstrations at exhibitions. German show pigeons The breed of German show pigeons gained popularity on a European scale these...

Survey of pigeons: rules for care, maintenance and breeding

War pigeons got their name for the noise made during the flight. In this subspecies of racing pigeons, the battle of wings, accompanied by a special sound, is appreciated. Unusual flight is not the only advantage of slaughtered pigeons, distinguished by their refined appearance, they combine wonderful flying and decorative...

Rules for the care and maintenance of guinea fowls

Many farmers say that guinea fowl are profitable if they are properly looked after and the requirements for keeping birds are met. With proper care for guinea fowl, it will be possible to increase the immunity of birds, as well as get strong individuals with good productive indicators. Place for growing and territory...

Big 6 turkeys - distinctive characteristics of the breed

If the breeders of the birds want to engage in the breeding of meat-related birds for the sale of meat, then Big 6 turkeys should be preferred. This is a breed that is famous for its large body weight, attractive external data, and accessibility in content. Such birds can bring a good profit....

How to make a quail barn?

In order for the birds to be kept in proper conditions, on which the egg production and livestock health depend, they need to properly equip the premises. In specialized stores or in the market, you can buy ready-made cages, but it is possible to make a quail shed with your own hands. And how to do it, read...

What are pigeon nests and how to make them?

For many hundreds of years people have been raising pigeons. This is an exciting experience. Pigeons - birds are not capricious in content, willingly consume any offered food. But they are demanding of environmental conditions during the period of reproduction and nursing of offspring. Therefore, the owner of the dovecote must create optimal conditions...

May Day chickens: breed characteristics, care and maintenance

May Day chickens are very popular with our farmers. "Pervomaiki" quickly gain weight and rush well at any time of the year. This highly productive breed is a success with small and large farmers. Let's find out what else is interesting for May Day chickens, and how to breed and grow them? Breed history...

Overview of popular breeds and species of guinea fowl

There are 5 main types of guinea fowl. Breeders also bred more than 20 domestic breeds of these birds. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Our review of "feathered" will help you choose the best breed of guinea fowl for breeding at home. 9 main breeds of guinea fowls...